8th September 2017, Sheraton Aggie Grey’s Hotel, Apia-Samoa
Pacific Leaders gathered in Samoa in September to attend the annual Pacific Islands Forum. The Agenda for this year’s meeting included the Small Islands Developing States Leaders Meeting, the Pacific ACP Leaders Meeting, the Official Opening of the 48th Pacific Islands Forum, the Forum Leaders Dialogue with Civil Society Organizations and Private Sector, the 48th PIF Plenary Sessions with Associate Member and Forum Observers and Post Forum Dialogue Partners and the Forum Leaders Retreat.
Also during the meeting week, The Pacific Islands Trade and Investment Commission in China, the Samoa Embassy in China and its Chinese partners hosted a Seminar for business leaders, Officials and others interested in building economic links between China and the Pacific. The aim of the Seminar was to learn about the opportunities and challenges through participation in industry-focused panel discussions on trade, investment and tourism.
The opening statement for the Seminar was delivered by Samoa’s Minister of Commerce, Industry and Labour, Hon. Lautafi Selafi Purcell. Presentations on related topics were delivered by H.E Mr Du Qiwen China’s Special Envoy for the China Pacific Islands Forum Dialogue, Mr. Shiu Raj Director Policy & Economic Governance, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Mr. Yin Zonghua Vice President China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), and Mr. Guo Wanda Executive Vice President China Development Institute (CDI).
The one day event was attended by members of Samoa’s private sector, Government Officials, Pacific delegates and delegates from China. The Seminar focused on three main areas for panel discussions;
1.Chinese Partnerships in Pacific Infrastructure and Connectivity
2.Sustainable Tourism Development
3.Value-adding to Pacific Fisheries
The Seminar proved to be a great opportunity for the exchange of ideas and discussion of opportunities to further strengthen trade, investment and tourism between China and the Pacific.

Opening Statement: Hon. Lautafi Selafi Purcell, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Labour, Samoa.

China and the Pacific Islands: H.E Mr Du Qiwen, China’s Special Envoy for the China Pacific Islands Forum Dialogue.