7th Seminar of Senior Defense Officials from the South Pacific

China held a three weeks defense seminar for senior military and police officers from 15 South Pacific and Caribbean countries hosted by the National Defense University in Beijing. It’s the 7th time that China has successfully organized the program for senior officials from the two regions.

Assistant Police Commissioner Mr. Misa Talaimanu Keti represented Samoa at the seminar.

During their 3 weeks in China, the group also visited Shanghai and Hangzhou and visited some of the military and police academies and campuses in those cities. The program has enabled senior police and military officials from the Pacific and Carribean to learn about China, but also to establish closer ties and share experiences with their Chinese counterparts on a number of security related issues including maritime surveillance and border control.

Photo caption: H.E. Mr. Tapusalaia Toomata (Ambassador), Mr. Misa Talaimanu Keti (Police Commissioner) and Mr. Louis Ofele (First Secretary)